Your Online Learning Advisors.

So you’ve started your first teaching period. You’re nervous. But you’re excited to get studying. One of the main things to remember is that you’re not alone.

As you know, your online classroom is a space where you can access your learning materials, collaborate with other students and communicate with your Online Learning Advisors (OLAs).

But what is an OLA? And what can they do for you?

Your Online Learning Advisors are your ‘go-to’ course content expert for each unit during your study journey with Western Sydney University Online.

So the OLAs are essentially your tutors. They will go above and beyond to help support you through your course activities. They centralise their teaching approaches around what is best for you as a student, with an emphasis on practical applications of theory and encouragement of collaborative discussions.

OLAs are passionate about getting you to where you want to be. They establish student-tutor relationships that defy the misconceptions of online study, with their quick turnaround answering student questions and their commitment to creating a vibrant online community within their unit.

What can you expect from your OLAs?

  • Quality delivery of academic content, learning activities and assessment tasks
  • Engaging and collaborative academic discussions
  • Support, feedback and unit- specific advice throughout your study journey

Each OLA has been trained to teach in an online environment and use their industry knowledge to bring theory to life and provide practical real-world insights.

Many OLAs still work in their chosen field and use online teaching as a way to share what they love with others. Providing you with personal feedback and support throughout your degree, they are easy to contact and can answer all of your unit-specific questions.

As always, our Student Advisors are here to help you with any general online study queries. You can contact them on 1300 050 935.

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