We understand studying and working at the same time can be tough. If you’re a student splitting your time between coursework and co-workers, or if you’re thinking about studying and not sure how to fit it around your working hours, read on. We’ve got some tips for finding a balance between the two.
Start by planning
When you’ve got a full week ahead and you’re going to be jumping between work and study, set yourself up for success by planning out your week. Block out work hours and other previous commitments before adding in time for studying and for yourself. Don’t forget to allocate enough time for each unit. We’ve created some weekly planners too if lists are more your thing.
Don’t leave it until the last minute
Stop procrastinating! Make sure you prioritise what needs to get done and tick it off your to do list – you’ll be thankful later. Time is valuable when you work and study. Don’t leave important tasks until the last minute; you never know when something unexpected might come up.
Set your goals
Goals are a great way to see the bigger picture and keep yourself on track. Try setting goals at the start of the teaching period that outline what you want to achieve for each of your units, your work and your life outside of the two. Make sure your goals are specific and attainable, you give yourself time to complete them and that you have a midway point you can use to evaluate your progress.
Communication is key
You’re studying and working at the same time, which means you’ll be busy. Communicating your schedule with family, friends and any managers or co-workers will make life easier. They’ll know when you’re available and when the busier parts of the teaching period are.
Take care of yourself
While you rush to finish that assignment before work starts or after it ends, don’t forget to look after the most important person – yourself. Taking care of yourself both physically and mentally is vital. Make sure you try to fit in time to exercise, create a study space that promotes productivity and take time to do things that make you happy.
Studying while you work is no easy feat, but with some planning and determination you can be successful. If you need an extra hand, we’ve got blogs with heaps of study tips and student support, or contact your Student Advisors.