How studying online helped Leanne thrive.


Leanne is a working mum of six and currently undertaking a Bachelor of Business (Accounting) with Western Sydney University Online. Having experienced many opportunities even as an online student, Leanne shares with us how she manages to raise her family, work and study, her involvement in the PASS program and what being an Indigenous student means to her.

Proud to be an Indigenous student

Leanne has seen a positive shift in attitude towards Indigenous culture since her childhood. “Events such as Reconciliation Week help me feel like I am no longer alone,” she says. “I feel like I can celebrate alongside others and be proud of where our culture is and where it’s heading.” Leanne also noted the support Western Sydney University’s Badanami Centre for Indigenous Education offered students and how it made them “feel part of a larger family.”

Great opportunities exist online too

Leanne has leapt at the opportunities made available to her as a student, proving that studying online doesn’t mean you miss out being a part of the Western Sydney University community. After achieving high marks, Leanne was asked to host Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS), where she mentors and guides students online through units she has already successfully completed. Leanne noted, “There is data to show that students who attend three or more sessions often gain 10–15 marks higher.”

Participating in the Academy at Western Sydney University has also provided Leanne with “opportunities above and beyond what is offered through your usual undergrad,” she says. As a program for high achievers, the Academy offers academic, professional and personal skills and access to internships, community engagement projects and networking events. “Being part of the Academy for me has meant I need to think and go above and beyond and be constantly challenged, not just as a student but as a community member.”

If Leanne can do it, so can you

Studying online provided Leanne with the flexibility she needed to complete her degree without sacrificing important time with her family. “I try to plan out my week and see opportunities for not only getting my studies done, but including some quality family time too.” Leanne’s advice for staying organised: “be extremely efficient with your time.” Stay ahead by starting organised. Sort out your study space, limit distractions, set study goals and remember to look after yourself.

Leanne is proof of the opportunities available to students when they invest in their study journey. After she graduates, Leanne plans to complete her PhD. For support and more information about the opportunities open to you as a Western Sydney University Online student, contact your Student Advisors.