Our best of 2018.

2018 was a great year to be a Western Sydney University Online student. Or to decide that you wanted to become one. Whether you studied with us all year, for a lone teaching period or not at all. We had some great posts and tips to share.


Here are our best from 2018.

Focus on your future. Study online.

Outcomes are important. Nobody wants to walk away from an education with just a sheet of paper. We are future focused. And want to make sure you graduate having got the most out of your degree.

Find out how we can help you take away enhanced online abilities, career kick-off and great contacts with your online studies.

Make efficiency your friend

Work smart, not hard. And make more time for all the fun stuff in life. Nobody enjoys being the last one in the office, or locked in a room with an assignment on it’s due date.

Learn how to get all of your work done in an efficient and timely manner. And begin reaping the rewards.

Keep calm and study with your pet

A study buddy that doesn’t tempt you into talking or Netflix is invaluable. Pets can help to cure your loneliness, clear your head and limit your distractions. So you can get that important assignment submitted in no time.

Let us show you just a few more reasons why pets are a wellbeing investment.

Teenager studies cyber security online

Studying your passion can be the best motivator for productivity. Late-teen, Matthew, has always been interested in technology and cyber security.

Find out more about Matthew’s study journey and what he believes are the biggest devices threats for the future.

Five things successful students do on a Sunday

Utilising your weekend effectively will see you kicking study goals in no time. Try not to lose all of your Sundays by sleeping in, brunching and watching re-runs of Friends. When the time comes to put your student cap on, you will need to get organised.

Discover the five things successful students do with their Sunday’s to make the most of a full day and reach study goals.