Industry placement pathway

The degree in Cyber Security and Behaviour allows you to do some real cyber security work in a real workplace. You get to test your knowledge and apply the skills you have learned over the course of your degree, kicking off a critical step towards your new career.

 How do I find the placement?

Final year students can be a real asset to a workplace and companies often welcome students on placements, internships or part-time roles. Some students may already be working in a cyber security related workplace and could consider a project within their own workplace which might meet the assessment requirements of this pathway.


How does it work?

The industry placement component of this degree is equivalent to four full subjects of study, and as such covers approximately 480 hours over two consecutive teaching periods. These hours are mostly spent as an intern in a cyber security related workplace.

A typical scenario would see you spend 2 days a week over your 11 week teaching period on a work placement. You would do this for two teaching periods – so in total, 2 days a week for 22 weeks amounts to 44 days as an intern working in cyber security.

How am I assessed?

Your assessment for your placement pathway has three components:

  1. A journal you maintain about your experience as an intern and what you’re learning from the work you’re doing
  2. Assignments based on the project or role you have at the work placement
  3. Feedback from your supervisor at the work placement.

What options for flexibility do I have?

While we recommend you do your placement 2 days a week in two blocks of 11 weeks, you might negotiate more days per week for a shorter period.