This is the first Professional Experience subject, incorporating a 30-day full-time placement in a NSW school.
This subject is designed to introduce you to the philosophical, ethical, practical and pedagogical perspectives of becoming a teacher in diverse, contemporary educational settings.
The aim of this subject is to enable you to proactively engage in real-life educational settings to learn and enhance your professional development as a future teacher. This subject gives you the opportunity to explore the relationship between practical and theoretical knowledge of teaching.
You will have the opportunity to explore a range of learning activities that occur inside and outside the classroom, and the roles of the teaching and non-teaching staff within the school. Through ongoing observation, supervised teaching and contribution in the wider school community, the subject ensures you work towards the achievement of the national standards for a graduate teacher.
Note: to fulfil accreditation requirements by NESA and AITSL, the two Professional Experience subjects require that you attend placement in person full time for 30 consecutive days. Schools are allocated by WSU through their network of partner schools. You will also be required to attend a day-long preparation workshop held at one of the university campuses on a weekend prior to placement. Some adjustments may be possible if you are on an Assisted Integrated Plan (AIP) as you may be entitled to a Placement Integration Plan (PIP).